Sharing my python code to pull data from OpenWeatherMap. As of this writing, API access is free for some data. Below is a sample to get the data and display it.
Here is a sample of the output produced by the script below:
In the code below, the city code: 5391959 is for San Francisco, CA. You can modify your city search as needed. The API documentation will show you how.
In the script, I'm using configparser to store critical data like the API Key. An example of the file's content:
The source for is seen below and is available for download too:
<--- Begin Code --->
def main():
<--- End Code --->
Here is a sample of the output produced by the script below:
07:14 PM
Feels Like: 35.7°F
Outside Temp: 48.6°F
Weather Look: Rain
Weather Desc: moderate rain
Humidity: 87%
Wind Speed: 20.80 mph
Wind Degree: 270°
In the code below, the city code: 5391959 is for San Francisco, CA. You can modify your city search as needed. The API documentation will show you how.
In the script, I'm using configparser to store critical data like the API Key. An example of the file's content:
The source for is seen below and is available for download too:
<--- Begin Code --->
import sys, os, time, json, configparser, datetime, signal
import urllib3
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
def signal_handler (signal, frame):
def openweather():
# Read Config parameters
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'/home/config.ini')
apiKey = config['openweathermap']['apiKey']
base_url = ""
complete_url = base_url + 'id=5391959&appid=' + apiKey
response = requests.get(complete_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
def main():
response = openweather()
outtemp = float((response['main']['temp']-273.15)*9/5+32)
feeltemp = float((response['main']['feels_like']-273.15)*9/5+32)
outtemp = str("{0:.1f}".format(outtemp))
feeltemp = str("{0:.1f}".format(feeltemp))
weather_main = response['weather'][0]['main']
weather_desc = response['weather'][0]['description']
humidity = response['main']['humidity']
wind_speed = float(response['wind']['speed'])
wind_mph = format(wind_speed*2.2369363, '.2f')
wind_deg = response['wind']['deg']
currenttime =
print(currenttime.strftime("%I:%M %p"))
print("Feels Like: "+str(feeltemp)+u'\u00b0' + "F")
print("Outside Temp: "+str(outtemp)+u'\u00b0' + "F")
print("Weather Look: "+str(weather_main))
print("Weather Desc: "+str(weather_desc))
print("Humidity: "+str(humidity)+"%")
print("Wind Speed: "+str(wind_mph)+" mph")
print("Wind Degree: "+str(wind_deg)+u'\u00b0')
if __name__ == "__main__":
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
while True:
time.sleep(30)<--- End Code --->
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